Vermont IDU
Vermont Historical Society
Digital Resources and Databases
Vermont Videos
Since 2016, the Vermont Historical Society has recorded a weekly video series with Local 22/Local 44. Over 200 videos highlight historic places across the state. Follow the links below to access organized lists of the short videos.
- Abolition
- Agricultural History
- Art & Culture
- Black Vermonters History
- Early Settlement & Revolutionary War
- Education, Healthcare, Sports
- Famous Vermonters
- Government
- Historic Preservation
- Immigration
- Industry, Innovation, & Technology
- Lake Champlain & Natural History
- Local History
- Military History
- Native American History
- Religion
- Transportation History
- Women's History
VHS Youtube Channel
Vermont Online Magazines
- Child Labor
- Children
- Doing History
- Farming
- Geography
- Government
- Immigration
- Puzzles & Activities
- Remarkable Vermonters
- Settlement
- Technology
- Transportation
- Wacky History
- War
- Weather
- Women's History
- Abenaki History
- Black Vermonters History
- Doing History
- Geography
- Government
- Historic Places
- Holidays & Travel
- Remarkable Vermonters
- Schools
- Settlement
- Technology
- Transportation
- Using the Land
- War
- Weather
- Women's History
- Barre Recreation, ca. 1932 (outdoor recreation in Vermont)
- Farm Work is War Work, ca. 1942
- Miraculous Maple Tree, 1966
- Our Rutland
- Putney, Vermont, Bicentennial Film, 1953
- The Rail Diggers
- Route 7, Vermont, 1973
- Thanks to Vermont (agricultural products)
- A Town Solves a Problem
- Vermont State Guard, 1941-1944
- Where Do We Go From Here? (Vermont Bicentennial)
Use OPALS to find out if we have more books on your topic and request as needed.
- Go to OPALS Pathfinder page and select VT IDU pathfinder.
- If your topic is on the list, click the topic name.
- Browse the list of book resources that we have in the library.
- If you see a book you would like to use, find the book in the library or check the book cart to see if it is already there.
Magazines available in the Library:
Vermont Magazine, Northern Woodlands, Snowmobile Vermont
Check out our collection of Vermont eBooks on Sora!
Our school is: Vermont Schools Shared Digital Collection
Setup Code: vssdcvt
Select: Lamoille Union High School District 18
Log in with your school Google account.
Library Databases
You can search your topics in these databases. Try searching your topic and Vermont...
- cows AND Vermont
- sailing AND vermont
- Circus Smirkus
- IBM AND Vermont
- hunting AND Vermont
- farming AND Vermont
Local Newspapers
Go to the source...does the topic/company/town have a website?
Eden, VT
Vermont 1777: Early Steps Against Slavery