Great Depression
Resources for All Topics (use these first)
Encyclopedia Britannica
Britannica Moderna en español
World Book Encyclopedia
Gale US History
John Steinbeck
Salinas, California
Steinbeck Country, USA
1930s Migrant Workers
Migrant Farm Workers of the 1930s
Article about The Migrant Experience (LOC)
Smithsonian American Art Museum: The great migration
American Experience (PBS): Mass Exodus from the Plains
Farm Bureau Monterey: Salinas Valley History
An overview of Monterey County Agriculture (MCHS)
History Channel: How the Dust Bowl made Americans refugees in their own country
Oakland Museum of California: Repatriation for Mexican & Filipino Farm Workers
The Kennedy Center: The Dust Bowl Migrants
Rural Migration News, University of California: Farm Labor in the 1930s
Calisphere (photos): Migrant workers and Braceros, 1930s-1964
The New Deal
World Book Resource Guide: New Deal
Library of Congress: Pres FDR and the New Deal
VCU Libraries, Social Welfare History Project: The New Deal
Smithsonian: 1934: The art of the New Deal
FDR Presidential Library and Museum: Great Depression and New Deal
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Women and Minorities in the 1930s
The Great Depression
National Geographic: The Okies-Beyond the Dust Bowl
Crash Course: The Great Depression
Crash Course Black American History: the Great Depression
Mental Health and Illness in 1930s
Mental Health and Illness in 1930s
Gale US History: Mental Illness
Gale US History: Mental Hygiene
Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities: Parallels in Time, A history of developmental disabilities
National Park Service: Disability History: Early and shifting attitudes of treatment
American Experience (PBS): Treatments for Mental Illness
Gale US History: Transients, Migrants, and the Homeless
Gale US History: Mental Illness and Psychiatry
The Eugenics Movement: Good intentions lead to horrific consequences
Strangers to Reason: Life inside a Psychiatric Hospital, 1938