LU Databases
Databases are a great source of information and can be a very reliable, helpful way to research. Click here to access our school passwords.
Britannica Encyclopedia
Vermont Online Library
Teen Health & Wellness
News & Current Events
History & Social Studies
Science & Health
English Language Arts & Fine Arts
Business & Economics
Trade & Tech Careers
Career & Future Guidance
Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center is a comprehensive resource for career exploration and planning that allows users to quickly find the valuable career information they need, whether it’s industry and professions articles, school planning resources, or skills and career advice. The material draws from a range of authoritative sources, including Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance.
Features updated information about professions and a video series about careers.
You can even take a career interest assessment.
Peterson's Test and Career Prep
Free Test & Career Prep software to help your job search or advance your career.
Improve a Test Score:
- AP Exams
- High School equivalency
- HS Subjects and more
Find a School
- School search tool
- Scholarship search tool
- Financial Aid quiz
Explore Careers
- Career advice
- Find a career
- Online resume builder
- Job search
Vocational Test Prep
- Bookkeeping
- ACT WorkKeys
- American Foreign Service Officer
- Clerical
- Cosmetology
- Firefighter
- Hospitality
- Law Enforcement Careers
- Medical/Nursing
- Military
- Postal
- Real Estate
- Social Work
- Teaching
- Aviation and Transportation
- Journeyman Exam Prep
- Information Technology (IT)
Vocations and Careers
Use this resource to search for articles from reputable publications about various careers and vocations.